The best language to use and tips on how to write specs that will get results you want. Soon, you’ll notice it’s way faster than coding.


Prompting in Create has evolved a lot. Here’s a blog post on the history:

We started as commands, but it was too slow for building. The key idea to get is that you are building up a product spec, not chatting.


You write something, see the generation, and then add details to things that need more details. Your app builds up in real time alongside you

If you need to make changes, you can jump back.

If it gets too long or complex, you can move things into components to build things up.

General Tips

Spec, not chat

Describe your app in enough detail that someone reading it who knows how to code could make it. The more details you add, the better the results. If you don’t like something it generates, add more specific details to it so it generates right the next time, rather than talk at it.


v1: 4 cards each with image, title, subtitle.

<Create generates a cards but the subtitles are too small>
